SG Machine Winter Maintenance Before Plowing Snow

Matt Smith written by Matt Smith
close-up to SG machine

Here soon, if you’re in the snow removal business, you’ll find yourself out on customers’ properties at 1 am with fresh snow covering the ground and possibly blowing in your face. The days of spreading fertilizer and chemicals behind you. But before this happens, you will want to tackle a few maintenance tasks on your Steel Green machine and SG Snowplow. Do these tasks before winter comes if you are planning to plow snow with your Steel Green.

  1. Clean the machine really well.
  2. Lubricate all cables and throttle linkages on the carburetor.
  3. Clean out the tanks and winterize the spray system (use antifreeze for weight in tanks as needed). For more guidance on winterizing your spray system, check out this video.
  4. Add a fuel stabilizer to the gas.
  5. If operating in extremely cold climates, make sure to use an appropriate weight oil in the engine and hydraulic system.
  6. Grease the machine.
  7. Install snow tires and the rest of the plow kit.
  8. Inspect rubber edge for wear or damage and replace if needed.

Besides wear on the rubber cutting edge, the plow kit is maintenance-free. Since snow removal is such a demanding job, consider purchasing our “no downtime kit” with common parts to keep your machine up and running.

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